By Nini Lucas-San Andres
January 13, 2011
From cute and cuddly little kiddo suddenly Harvey is almost as big as, actually taller than I am. He is turning into awkward, clumsy person who is fast developing a new physicality that he doesn’t know what to do with. He is unsteady between considerable maturity and babyness.
From cute and cuddly little kiddo suddenly Harvey is almost as big as, actually taller than I am. He is turning into awkward, clumsy person who is fast developing a new physicality that he doesn’t know what to do with. He is unsteady between considerable maturity and babyness.
Rapid body changes occur like his sweat glands become more active and odorous, and more hairy legs. He is getting self-conscious on his appearance. He is starting to dress like his older brother Renz, wearing branded jeans, boxer shorts and men’s black leather shoes. Conformity in clothes, speech, hair style, etc., becomes very important to him. He is beginning to show concern for his body. He is using deodorant, face powder and facial wash, and body cologne. He has accessories, bracelet, dog tag, belt, etc.

Aside from the physical change, he is dealing with social and emotional experiences. There is the need for privacy. He is secretive, talkative but not communicative, often giggly.
Most of the time, he would rather “hang out” with his friends. Peer group friendships become more intimate. He is becoming moody and irritable. He is always acting out and quick to disagree with me.
Yes, my little baby is not that anymore, but it is time to put my nostalgia aside. I need to embrace the changes that are happening to my boy, especially the physical ones. Focus on what he is turning into and not what he used to be.
He might lose the babyness but hopefully not the extra happiness I get whenever I hear from him the “I love you too”, and the kiss on my cheek.