December 4, 2009

A Mother’s Delight: Harvey Dancing the JabbaWockeez

“What?” I said.

I was trying to grasp the word but cannot figure it out. It was even harder for Harvey to spell the word.

“Jabbawockeez…Mommy!” he shouted.

Harvey just got home from school. He was dancing around the house. He was doing the Michael Jackson dance moves and some like robot.

His favorite word is Jabbawockeez. I ignored the idea. I knew it’s just one of Harvey’s thing or passion for the moment. He’ll get over it.

But last night as I was having dinner, I heard a commotion. I thought the boys were having fights again. And Renz kept calling me. So I went upstairs.

As I stepped into the room, I saw Harvey on his skinny jeans, t-shirt with red necktie and hooded jacket on top, a baseball cap, and a mask to complete the Jabbawockeez look.

He was dancing to MJ’s Beat It. He was doing the famous MJ dance move The Crotch Grab ‘N Pop. His dance really made the rest of us laugh.

Harvey never ceases to amaze me!

P.S.    Jabbawockeez is an all-male hip-hop dance crew from California who gained fame by appearing on the first season of America's Got Talent. They are known for their intricate synchronization, precise dances, and mime and kabuki styled theatrics while wearing white masks and gloves during most of their performances. They call their style of dance "Beat Kune Do", named after Bruce Lee's fighting style Jeet Kune Do.

November 27, 2009

A Mother in Astonishment: Harvey’s Skinny Jeans

I stared at Harvey in awe. I watched as he tried on his new pair of pants.

I could not believe that my eleven year old son was wearing green and black checkered skinny jeans. Not at his age and not to this family. Boys in our family never wear fashionable clothes…just in simple jeans and T-shirt. As far as I know, Harvey’s personality is more of sporty than stylish.

People tend to judge so quick on what people wear. Others might look at it weird and gay. But I find Harvey wearing tight jeans a brave move. Anyway, the Jonas Brothers are famous for their tight jeans. That’s why local stars alike see skinny jeans more punk-rock based, fashionable and cool.

Gone are the days when looking good and attractive was the concern of girls alone. Now, boys are also concerned about their looks. Boys want to look good and presentable. They have strong concern for their appearance and lifestyle. It’s a personal fashion statement. I heard they are called metrosexuals. David Beckham admittedly is a proud metrosexual.

Yes I am guilty as charged for not accepting more about the things my boys like. I really have to keep abreast of new trends. Anyway, my boy will surely outgrow his pants. His personality is different from my personality. He has his own style. And Harvey is still Harvey. As the saying goes…clothes do not make the man.

November 24, 2009

A Mother in Distress: Ear Piercing

"Mommy, can I get my ears pierced?"

"No Harvey!", I objected.

"Why not?"

"Because boys don't get their ears pierced, only girls do!"

"When can I get it?.. when I'm in high school...or in college? old am i then? many years from now on?", Harvey reiterated.

I'm a little annoyed and groaned. "Are you listening Harvey?'s not okay for boys to get their ears's not acceptable...people will judge you.Besides your school would suspend you or worse kick you out of the school...that's it more talking..."

One month passed. But Harvey didn't give up. He would ask me about it again. He would reason out that a classmate had done it. Likewise sport celebrities and dancers flaunt it. I cannot imagine a 5th grader boy in a private school with his ears pierced.

His need was something I could not understand. Maybe he wants to make a fashion statement about himself. I could see the point. But he's too young...and what's next???...body piercing, tattoo...i could have endless thoughts...but please spare my boy.

It's not that having his ears pierce will make him headed for a life of trouble. I know he is a good kid. But I could not allow this small gift of free expression. Not now...maybe when he can stand up and he can live with it...a hole in the ear.